The Transparency Project

Division on Addiction, The Cambridge Health Alliance, a teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School

Contribute a Dataset

Thank you for your interest in contributing a dataset to The Transparency Project. Before contributing a dataset, please read and understand our mission statement:

The Transparency Project aims to make data available to scientists so that they can advance the available empirical evidence and knowledge base about addiction. We appreciate your data contribution to the Transparency Project.

All datasets must also adhere to the following conditions:

  1. All datasets need to be associated with peer-reviewed publications(s).
  2. All datasets need to be de-identified. The Transparency Project committee will reject datasets if they fail to meet this requirement.
  3. The dataset codebook must be saved as a PDF, under 1MB, and must be formatted according to Transparency Project Codebook Template [DOC 47KB]
  4. Datasets can be in SPSS, SAS, XLS, or text format, however, all dataset files MUST BE SAVED AS A SINGLE .ZIP FILE and must be less than 4MB

If your file exceeds 4MB or you have any trouble with this form, please contact us via email at:

* Required Fields

Contact Information
Dataset Information
 (e.g. institute or company)
 Please list only the last name of the principle investigator. The full name of the principle investigator, and additional PIs should be listed in the project codebook.
 Please list only publications that are based on this dataset. Publications should be listed using APA format. EXAMPLE:

LaBrie, R. A., LaPlante, D. A., Nelson, S. E., Schumann, A., & Shaffer, H. J. (2007). Assessing the playing field: A prospective longitudinal study of Internet sports gambling behavior. Journal of Gambling Studies, 23, 347-362.
Dataset Files
* (must follow template below!)
 The dataset codebook MUST BE SAVED AS A PDF, under 1MB, and must be formatted according to the:
 We will accept SPSS, SAS, XLS, or text datasets, however, all dataset files MUST BE SAVED AS A SINGLE .ZIP FILE and must be less than 4MB. If your file exceeds 4MB or you have any trouble with this form, please contact us via email at:

We will not share your personal information with other individuals or organizations, or use your personal information for purposes not related to the Transparency Project. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.

© Division on Addiction. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated:  January 13, 2012