Folder <- "C:/Laboratory/DraftKings/Impacts/" SoBe <- read.csv(paste0(Folder,"SocialBehaviors.csv"),header=TRUE) ###################################################################### # Show some sample risk score calculations. # # Our hypothetical user will play in three contests. # # * The first contest is a 9-person contest. # # -- The entry fee is $6.50. # # -- First place gets $27.00. # # -- Second place gets $16.20. # # -- Third place gets $10.80. # # -- Fourth through ninth get $0.00. # # * The second contest is a 45-person contest. # # -- The entry fee is $3.25. # # -- First place gets $42.00. # # -- Second place gets $30.00. # # -- Third place gets $21.00. # # -- Fourth place gets $15.00. # # -- Fifth place gets $12.00. # # -- Sixth place gets $9.00. # # -- Seventh place gets $6.00. # # -- Eighth through forty-fifth get $0.00. # # * The third contest is a 10-person 50/50 contest. # # -- The entry fee is $5.20. # # -- First through fifth get $10.00. # # -- Sixth through tenth get $0.00. # ###################################################################### # Make the table PayTab with the payouts. # # * TNum is the tournament number (1, 2, 3). # # * MinPlace is the minimum place for that payout. # # * MaxPlace is the maximum place for that payout. # # * Places is the number of people that will win that # # prize amount. # # * Payout is the prize amount. # # We'll also create TData with some numbers for each of # # the three tournaments. # ############################################################ PayTab <- data.frame(TNum=rep(1:3,c(4,8,2)), MinPlace=c(c(1,2,3,4), c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8), c(1,6)), MaxPlace=c(c(1,2,3,9), c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,45), c(5,10)), Places=0, Payout=c(c(27.00,16.20,10.80,0), c(42,30,21,15,12,9,6,0), c(10,0)) ); PayTab$Places = PayTab$MaxPlace - PayTab$MinPlace + 1; ############################################################ # Scrap1 is the table I use to calculate the variance for # # the probability distributions implied by the three # # tournament's payout tables. # # * I'm using the formula Var(X) = E(X^2)-(E(X))^2. # # * TNum is the tournament number (1, 2, 3). # # * x has the values the random variables can take. # # * p contains the corresponding probabilities. # # * xp has the terms I need to get E(X). # # * x2p has the terms I need to get E(X^2). # # Scrap2 has E(X^2), E(X), Var(X), and SD(X) corresponding # # to each tournament. # # * TNum is the tournament number (1, 2, 3). # # * Entrants is the total number of entrants. # # * EX2 contains the expected squares E(X^2). # # * EX contains the expected values E(X). # # * VarX contains the variances Var(X). # # * SDX contains the standard deviations SD(X). # # * RiskScore contains the three contest risk scores. # ############################################################ require(plyr); Scrap2 <- ddply(PayTab,~TNum,summarise, Entrants=max(MaxPlace)); Scrap1 <- data.frame(TNum=PayTab$TNum, x=PayTab$Payout, p=PayTab$Places/Scrap2$Entrants[PayTab$TNum]); Scrap1$xp <- Scrap1$x * Scrap1$p; Scrap1$x2p <- Scrap1$x * Scrap1$xp; Scrap2 <- merge(Scrap2, ddply(Scrap1,~TNum,summarise, EX2=sum(x2p),EX=sum(xp)), by=c("TNum"),all.x=TRUE,all.y=TRUE); Scrap2$VarX <- Scrap2$EX2 - Scrap2$EX*Scrap2$EX; Scrap2$SDX <- sqrt(Scrap2$VarX); Scrap2$EntryFee <- c(6.5,3.25,5.2); Scrap2$RiskScore <- Scrap2$SDX / Scrap2$EntryFee; PayTab Scrap1 Scrap2 ############################################################ # The three contest risk scores are # # 1.436, 2.589, and 0.962. # # * The risk score of the third contest is equal to the # # proportion of the entry fees that went to the prize # # pool ($50.00 in the prize pool, ten people at $5.20 # # per person is $52.00). # # The player's risk score is the average of the three: # # 1.662. # ############################################################ round(Scrap2$RiskScore,digits=3) round(mean(Scrap2$RiskScore),digits=3) ###################################################################### # The data file has eight variables. # # * UserID is just a sequential indexing number. # # * Group tells us which users are in the 80% group ("1") and which # # are in the 20% group ("2"). # # * HasRAF says whether or not this player was referred # # by another player. # # * RAFBonusYes says whether a player received cash via the # # Refer A Friend program. # # * RAFBonusCount is the number of different days the player # # received cash through the Refer A Friend program. # # * RAFBonusCash is the total amount of cash the player received # # through the Refer A Friend program. # # * HasMutualFriend answers the question "Does this player have # # another player who they have added as a friend who has also # # added them as a friend as well (i.e., a mutual friend mapping)? # # * RiskScore is based only on contests where the player used cash # # to pay for entries, and had a chance to win cash or something # # else of value. # # -- No free contests. # # -- No contests where everything was paid for with tickets. # # -- No contests where even first place gets nothing # # (i.e., charity mechanisms). # # -- A player's risk score is the average of the contest risk # # scores, where we don't worry about how many entries the # # player had in each contest. # ###################################################################### # These sections are just setup. # ############################################################ # These are for the five-number summaries and # # other tables. # ################################################## require(psych); Every25N <- c(0.00,0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00); Every25T <- c("Q000","Q025","Q050","Q075","Q100"); ################################################## # Make the two subsets, the 80% and the 20%. # # We randomly generated Group 1 and Group 2, # # and then we hard-coded the groups so that # # we'd get the same results each time. # # * It made debugging easier. # # * Feel free to generate your own 80/20 # # partition to see if you get similar results. # ################################################## SoBeA <- subset(SoBe,SoBe$Group==1); nSA = nrow(SoBeA); nSA SoBeB <- subset(SoBe,SoBe$Group==2); nSB = nrow(SoBeB); nSB ################################################## # This function calculates the effect size for a # # Wilcoxon rank-sum test. # ################################################## rFromWilcox <- function(wilcoxModel,N) { z <- qnorm(wilcoxModel$p.value/2); r <- z/sqrt(N); cat(wilcoxModel$,", Effect Size, r = ",r,"\n"); } ################################################## # This function creates a box plot that goes on # # top of the dot plots. # ################################################## MyBox <- function(Height,HalfWhisker,Quantiles) { Marks <- Height + HalfWhisker * c(-1,0,1); i1 <- 5; while (i1 > 0) { lines(x=Quantiles[c(i1,i1)],y=Marks[c(1,3)],lty=1,lwd=2); i1 = i1 - 1; } lines(x=Quantiles[c(2,4)],y=Marks[c(1,1)],lty=1,lwd=2); lines(x=Quantiles[c(2,4)],y=Marks[c(3,3)],lty=1,lwd=2); lines(x=Quantiles[c(1,2)],y=Marks[c(2,2)],lty=2,lwd=2); lines(x=Quantiles[c(4,5)],y=Marks[c(2,2)],lty=2,lwd=2); } ############################################################ # Do some preliminary exploratory data analysis. # ############################################################ # Make some preliminary histograms. # # * Start with the big sample. # # * Then do the small sample. # # This section didn't make it into the paper. # ################################################## #Hist80RiskScore <- ggplot(SoBeA,aes(SoBeA$RiskScore)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="User Risk Score",y="Frequency"); # Hist80RiskScore #Hist80HasMutualFriend <- ggplot(SoBeA,aes(SoBeA$HasMutualFriend)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Has Mutual Friend",y="Frequency"); # Hist80HasMutualFriend #Hist80HasRAF <- ggplot(SoBeA,aes(SoBeA$HasRAF)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Has Been Referred",y="Frequency"); # Hist80HasRAF #Hist80RAFBonusYes <- ggplot(SoBeA,aes(SoBeA$RAFBonusYes)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Refer a friend bonus binary",y="Frequency"); # Hist80RAFBonusYes #Hist80RAFBonusCount <- ggplot(SoBeA,aes(SoBeA$RAFBonusCount)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Refer a friend bonus number",y="Frequency"); # Hist80RAFBonusCount #Hist80RAFBonusCash <- ggplot(SoBeA,aes(SoBeA$RAFBonusCash)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Refer a friend bonus total",y="Frequency"); # Hist80RAFBonusCash #Hist20RiskScore <- ggplot(SoBeB,aes(SoBeB$RiskScore)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="User Risk Score",y="Frequency"); # Hist20RiskScore #Hist20HasMutualFriend <- ggplot(SoBeB,aes(SoBeB$HasMutualFriend)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Has Mutual Friend",y="Frequency"); # Hist20HasMutualFriend #Hist20HasRAF <- ggplot(SoBeB,aes(SoBeB$HasRAF)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Has Been Referred",y="Frequency"); # Hist20HasRAF #Hist20RAFBonusYes <- ggplot(SoBeB,aes(SoBeB$RAFBonusYes)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Refer a friend bonus binary",y="Frequency"); # Hist20RAFBonusYes #Hist20RAFBonusCount <- ggplot(SoBeB,aes(SoBeB$RAFBonusCount)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Refer a friend bonus number",y="Frequency"); # Hist20RAFBonusCount #Hist20RAFBonusCash <- ggplot(SoBeB,aes(SoBeB$RAFBonusCash)) + # geom_histogram(binwidth=0.4) + # labs(x="Refer a friend bonus total",y="Frequency"); # Hist20RAFBonusCash ################################################## # Calculate descriptive statistics for SoBeA. # # This section didn't make it into the paper. # ################################################## #Descriptives80 <-[,c("RiskScore","HasMutualFriend", # "HasRAF","RAFBonusYes", # "RAFBonusCount", # "RAFBonusCash")]); # Descriptives80 ## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad ## RiskScore 1 8904 16.17 15.31 12.14 13.65 10.38 ## HasMutualFriend 2 8904 0.25 0.43 0.00 0.18 0.00 ## HasRAF 3 8904 0.01 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 ## RAFBonusYes 4 8904 0.03 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 ## RAFBonusCount 5 8904 0.10 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 ## RAFBonusCash 6 8904 2.25 30.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 ## min max range skew kurtosis se ## RiskScore 0.49 181.31 180.81 2.71 12.75 0.16 ## HasMutualFriend 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.17 -0.62 0.00 ## HasRAF 0.00 1.00 1.00 9.18 82.29 0.00 ## RAFBonusYes 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.32 26.27 0.00 ## RAFBonusCount 0.00 14.00 14.00 10.99 148.01 0.01 ## RAFBonusCash 0.00 1627.12 1627.12 32.34 1371.91 0.32 #Descriptives20 <-[,c("RiskScore","HasMutualFriend", # "HasRAF","RAFBonusYes", # "RAFBonusCount", # "RAFBonusCash")]); # Descriptives20 # vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range skew kurtosis se #UserRiskScore 1 2226 15.77 15.33 11.79 13.11 10 0.49 129.73 129.23 2.62 10.71 0.32 #HasMutualFriend 2 2226 0.24 0.43 0.00 0.17 0 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.24 -0.47 0.01 #RAFBonusBinary 3 2226 0.03 0.17 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.54 28.73 0.00 #RAFBonusNumber 4 2226 0.09 0.75 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 15.00 15.00 12.74 195.59 0.02 #RAFBonusTotal 5 2226 3.13 64.76 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 2788.36 2788.36 37.65 1559.54 1.37 # min max range skew kurtosis se #UserRiskScore 0.49 129.73 129.23 2.62 10.71 0.32 #HasMutualFriend 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.24 -0.47 0.01 #RAFBonusBinary 0.00 1.00 1.00 5.54 28.73 0.00 #RAFBonusNumber 0.00 15.00 15.00 12.74 195.59 0.02 #RAFBonusTotal 0.00 2788.36 2788.36 37.65 1559.54 1.37 ############################################################ # Go through the paper and get some numbers. # ############################################################ # Get the counts and percentages for # # HasMutualFriend and RAFBonusYes for both the # # big subgroup and the small subgroup. # ################################################## BinTable <- data.frame(Sample=c(rep("Exploratory Sample",3), rep("Confirmatory Sample",3)), Variable=c("Reciprocal Friendship", "Referred by a friend", "Received RAF Bonus Cash", "Reciprocal Friendship", "Referred by a friend", "Received RAF Bonus Cash"), Count=c(sum(SoBeA$HasMutualFriend), sum(SoBeA$HasRAF), sum(SoBeA$RAFBonusYes), sum(SoBeB$HasMutualFriend), sum(SoBeB$HasRAF), sum(SoBeB$RAFBonusYes)), Pct=0,stringsAsFactors=FALSE); BinTable$Pct = 100 * BinTable$Count / c(nSA,nSA,nSA,nSB,nSB,nSB); BinTable$Pct = round(BinTable$Pct,digits=2); BinTable # Sample Variable Count Pct # 1 Exploratory Sample Reciprocal Friendship 2199 24.70 # 2 Exploratory Sample Referred by a friend 102 1.15 # 3 Exploratory Sample Received RAF Bonus Cash 285 3.20 # 4 Confirmatory Sample Reciprocal Friendship 527 23.67 # 5 Confirmatory Sample Referred by a friend 26 1.17 # 6 Confirmatory Sample Received RAF Bonus Cash 66 2.96 ################################################## # Get the five-number summaries for # # RAFBonusCount and RiskScore. # # Get the numbers of users with positive values # # of RAFBonusCount. # ################################################## ConTable <- data.frame(Sample=c(rep("Exploratory Sample",2), rep("Confirmatory Sample",2)), Variable=c("Player Risk Score", "Number of RAF Bonuses", "Player Risk Score", "Number of RAF Bonuses"), Count=c(0,sum(SoBeA$RAFBonusCount>0), 0,sum(SoBeB$RAFBonusCount>0)), Pct=0,Q000=0,Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE); ConTable$Pct = 100 * ConTable$Count / c(nSA,nSA,nSB,nSB); ConTable$Pct = round(ConTable$Pct,digits=2); ConTable[1,Every25T] = quantile(SoBeA$RiskScore,Every25N); ConTable[2,Every25T] = quantile(SoBeA$RAFBonusCount,Every25N); ConTable[3,Every25T] = quantile(SoBeB$RiskScore,Every25N); ConTable[4,Every25T] = quantile(SoBeB$RAFBonusCount,Every25N); ConTable[,Every25T] = round(ConTable[,Every25T],digits=2); ConTable # E.S.: Exploratory Sample # C.S.: Confirmatory Sample # P.R.S.: Player Risk Score # N.RAF.B.: Number of RAF Bonuses # Sample Variable Count Pct Q000 Q025 Q050 Q075 Q100 # 1 E.S. P.R.S. 0 0.00 0.49 6.12 12.14 21.12 181.31 # 2 E.S. N.RAF.B. 285 3.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 # 3 C.S. P.R.S. 0 0.00 0.49 5.74 11.79 20.15 129.73 # 4 C.S. N.RAF.B. 66 2.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 ############################################################ # Perform the hypothesis tests on the larger subgroup. # ############################################################ # Define some parameters for the plots. # ################################################## DotSpread <- 0.1; MyColor <- "#FF3399"; MyColor <- "grey45"; RiskScoreLabel <- "Player Risk Score"; ################################################## # H1: Players referred to DraftKings by a friend # # (HasRAF) will have different risk scores # # (RiskScore) from those who weren't referred. # # Findings: There were no significant # # differences in risk scores between # # people referred by a friend and # # others. # # * We retain the null hypothesis. # # * Being referred by others does not influence # # propensity for engaging in risky gameplay. # ################################################## # Get the five-number summaries. # # Do the hypothesis test. # ######################################## H1A <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~HasRAF,data=SoBeA); H1A rFromWilcox(H1A,nSA) H1ATable <- data.frame(Count=c(sum(SoBeA$HasRAF==1), sum(SoBeA$HasRAF==0)), Pct=0,Q000=0,Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0, W=0,pValue=c(H1A$p.value,0), rEffectSize=0); rownames(H1ATable) = c("HasRAF","NoRAF"); H1ATable$Pct = 100 * H1ATable$Count / nSA; H1ATable[1,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeA$RiskScore, SoBeA$HasRAF==1), Every25N); H1ATable[2,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeA$RiskScore, SoBeA$HasRAF==0), Every25N); H1ATable$W[1] = H1A$statistic; H1ATable$rEffectSize[1] = qnorm(H1A$p.value[1]/2)/sqrt(nSA); ######################################## # Plot RiskScore versus HasRAF. # ######################################## par(mar=c(5.1,9.1,4.1,2.1)) plot(x=SoBeA$RiskScore, y=SoBeA$HasRAF+1+rnorm(nSA,mean=0,sd=DotSpread), xlab=RiskScoreLabel,yaxt="n",ylab="", col=c(MyColor,MyColor)[SoBeA$HasRAF+1],pch=".",cex=3) MyBox(2,DotSpread,H1ATable[1,Every25T]) MyBox(1,DotSpread,H1ATable[2,Every25T]) axis(2,at=c(2,1),lab=c("Referred","Not referred"), las=2,cex.axis=1.3) #title(main=paste0("Figure 1. Boxplots of Player Risk Score\n", # "by Referred by a Friend")) par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) #savePlot(filename=paste0(Folder,"H1-80pct",sep=""), # type="jpg"); ######################################## # Round the values in the table # # for display purposes. # ######################################## H1ATable$Pct = round(H1ATable$Pct,digits=2); H1ATable[,Every25T] = round(H1ATable[,Every25T],digits=2); H1ATable$pValue = round(H1ATable$pValue,digits=3); H1ATable$rEffectSize = round(H1ATable$rEffectSize,digits=3); H1ATable ################################################## # H2: Players who have successfully referred a # # friend (RAFBonusYes) will have different # # risk behaviors from those (a) who have not # # not attempted to refer a friend or (b) # # attempted to refer a friend and failed. # # Findings: Wilcoxon rank-sum test was # # conducted to compare risk scores # # among people who have successfully # # referred a friend to others. # # * We reject the null hypothesis. # # * People who refer friends to play DFS have # # significantly higher risk propensity than # # others. # ################################################## # Get the five-number summaries. # # Do the hypothesis test. # ######################################## H2A <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~RAFBonusYes,data=SoBeA); H2A rFromWilcox(H2A,nSA) H2ATable <- data.frame(Count=c(sum(SoBeA$RAFBonusYes==1), sum(SoBeA$RAFBonusYes==0)), Pct=0,Q000=0,Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0, W=0,pValue=c(H2A$p.value,0), rEffectSize=0); rownames(H2ATable) = c("HasRAFBonus","NoRAFBonus"); H2ATable$Pct = 100 * H2ATable$Count / nSA; H2ATable[1,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeA$RiskScore, SoBeA$RAFBonusYes==1), Every25N); H2ATable[2,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeA$RiskScore, SoBeA$RAFBonusYes==0), Every25N); H2ATable$W[1] = H2A$statistic; H2ATable$rEffectSize[1] = qnorm(H2A$p.value[1]/2)/sqrt(nSA); ######################################## # Plot RiskScore versus RAFBonusYes. # ######################################## par(mar=c(5.1,7.1,4.1,2.1)) plot(x=SoBeA$RiskScore, y=SoBeA$RAFBonusYes+1+rnorm(nSA,mean=0,sd=DotSpread), xlab=RiskScoreLabel,yaxt="n",ylab="", col=c(MyColor,MyColor)[SoBeA$RAFBonusYes+1],pch=".",cex=3) MyBox(2,DotSpread,H2ATable[1,Every25T]) MyBox(1,DotSpread,H2ATable[2,Every25T]) axis(2,at=c(2,1),lab=c("Successful\nReferral","No Referral"), las=2,cex.axis=1.3) #title(main=paste0("Figure 2. Boxplots of Player Risk Score\n", # "by Referred a Friend")) par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) #savePlot(filename=paste0(Folder,"H2-80pct",sep=""), # type="jpg"); ######################################## # Round the values in the table # # for display purposes. # ######################################## H2ATable$Pct = round(H2ATable$Pct,digits=2); H2ATable[,Every25T] = round(H2ATable[,Every25T],digits=2); H2ATable$pValue = round(H2ATable$pValue,digits=3); H2ATable$rEffectSize = round(H2ATable$rEffectSize,digits=3); H2ATable ################################################## # H3: People who have a reciprocal friendship # # (HasMutualFriend) will have significantly # # different risk scores from others. # # Findings: Wilcoxon rank-sum test was conducted # # to compare risk scores among people # # with reciprocal friendship. # # * We reject the null hypothesis. # # * People with reciprocal friendships on DFS # # websites engage in contests with higher risk # # propensity than others. # ################################################## H3A <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~HasMutualFriend,data=SoBeA); H3A rFromWilcox(H3A,nSA) H3ATable <- data.frame(Count=c(sum(SoBeA$HasMutualFriend==1), sum(SoBeA$HasMutualFriend==0)), Pct=0,Q000=0,Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0, W=0,pValue=c(H3A$p.value,0), rEffectSize=0); rownames(H3ATable) = c("HasMutualFriend","NoMutualFriend"); H3ATable$Pct = 100 * H3ATable$Count / nSA; H3ATable[1,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeA$RiskScore, SoBeA$HasMutualFriend==1), Every25N); H3ATable[2,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeA$RiskScore, SoBeA$HasMutualFriend==0), Every25N); H3ATable$W[1] = H3A$statistic; H3ATable$rEffectSize[1] = qnorm(H3A$p.value[1]/2)/sqrt(nSA); ######################################## # Plot RiskScore versus # # HasMutualFriend. # ######################################## par(mar=c(5.1,9.1,4.1,2.1)) plot(x=SoBeA$RiskScore, y=SoBeA$HasMutualFriend+1+rnorm(nSA,mean=0,sd=DotSpread), xlab=RiskScoreLabel,yaxt="n",ylab="", col=c(MyColor,MyColor)[SoBeA$HasMutualFriend+1], pch=".",cex=3) MyBox(2,DotSpread,H3ATable[1,Every25T]) MyBox(1,DotSpread,H3ATable[2,Every25T]) axis(2,at=c(2,1),lab=c("Reciprocal\nFriendship", "No Reciprocal\nFriendship"), las=2,cex.axis=1.3) #title(main=paste0("Figure 3. Boxplot of Player Risk Score\n", # "by Reciprocal Friendship")) par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) #savePlot(filename=paste0(Folder,"H3-80pct",sep=""), # type="jpg"); ######################################## # Round the values in the table # # for display purposes. # ######################################## H3ATable$Pct = round(H3ATable$Pct,digits=2); H3ATable[,Every25T] = round(H3ATable[,Every25T],digits=2); H3ATable$pValue = round(H3ATable$pValue,digits=3); H3ATable$rEffectSize = round(H3ATable$rEffectSize,digits=3); H3ATable ################################################## # H4: Among players with reciprocal friendships, # # there will be statistically significant # # differences on risk scores between those # # who have successfully referred a friend # # (HasMutualFriend=1,RAFBonusYes=1) and # # those who have not (HasMutualFriend=1, # # RAFBonusYes=1). # # Findings: Wilcoxon rank-sum test was conducted # # to compare risk scores among people # # with both reciprocal friendship and # # successful referrals to people with # # reciprocal friendship but no # # successful referrals. # # * We reject the null hypothesis. # # * Among players with reciprocal friendships, # # those who have successfully referred a # # friend have significantly higher risk scores # # than others. # ################################################## SoBe4A <- subset(SoBeA,SoBeA$HasMutualFriend>0); H4A <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~RAFBonusYes,data=SoBe4A); H4A rFromWilcox(H4A,nSA) H4ATable <- data.frame(Count=c(sum(SoBe4A$RAFBonusYes==1), sum(SoBe4A$RAFBonusYes==0)), Pct=0,Q000=0,Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0, W=0,pValue=c(H4A$p.value,0), rEffectSize=0); rownames(H4ATable) = c("HasMutualFriendHasRAFBonus", "HasMutualFriendNoRAFBonus"); H4ATable$Pct = 100 * H4ATable$Count / nSA; H4ATable[1,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBe4A$RiskScore, SoBe4A$RAFBonusYes==1), Every25N); H4ATable[2,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBe4A$RiskScore, SoBe4A$RAFBonusYes==0), Every25N); H4ATable$W[1] = H4A$statistic; H4ATable$rEffectSize[1] = qnorm(H4A$p.value[1]/2)/sqrt(nSA); ######################################## # Plot RiskScore versus HasRAF for # # those with HasMutualFriend = 1. # ######################################## par(mar=c(5.1,9.1,4.1,2.1)) Scrap1 <- 2 * SoBe4A$HasMutualFriend + SoBe4A$HasRAF + 1; Scrap1 = Scrap1 + rnorm(nrow(SoBe4A),mean=0,sd=DotSpread); plot(x=SoBe4A$RiskScore,y=Scrap1, xlab=RiskScoreLabel,ylab="",yaxt="n", xlim=quantile(SoBeA$RiskScore,c(0,1)),ylim=c(2.5,4.5), col=rep(MyColor,4)[SoBeA$HasMutualFriend+1], pch=".",cex=3) MyBox(4,DotSpread,H4ATable[1,Every25T]) MyBox(3,DotSpread,H4ATable[2,Every25T]) axis(2,at=c(4,3),lab=c("Successful\nReferral", "No Referral"), las=2,cex.axis=1.3) #title(main=paste0("Figure 4. Boxplots of Player Risk Score\n", # "by Referred by a Friend\n", # "(only those with reciprocal friendships)")) par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) #savePlot(filename=paste0(Folder,"H4-80pct",sep=""), # type="jpg"); ######################################## # Round the values in the table # # for display purposes. # ######################################## H4ATable$Pct = round(H4ATable$Pct,digits=2); H4ATable[,Every25T] = round(H4ATable[,Every25T],digits=2); H4ATable$pValue = round(H4ATable$pValue,digits=3); H4ATable$rEffectSize = round(H4ATable$rEffectSize,digits=3); H4ATable ################################################## # H5: Number of friend referrals (RAFBonusCount) # # will relate to risk scores. # # Findings: Spearman's rank order correlation # # was conducted to determine the # # relation between number of # # successful referrals and risk # # scores. # # * We reject the null hypothesis. # # * The more a person refers friends to play # # online DFS, the greater their risk scores. # ################################################## # Check the Spearman correlations. # ######################################## H5ATable <- data.frame(Q000=c(0,0),Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0); H5ATable[1,1:5] = quantile(SoBeA$RAFBonusCount,Every25N); H5ATable[2,1:5] = quantile(SoBeA$RiskScore,Every25N); H5ATable <- round(H5ATable,digits=2); H5ATable H5A <- corr.test(SoBeA[,c("RiskScore","HasMutualFriend","HasRAF", "RAFBonusCash","RAFBonusCount", "RAFBonusYes")], method="spearman"); H5A H5A$r[4,1] H5A$p[4,1] # Correlation matrix # (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) # RiskScore (1) 1.00 # HasMutualFriend (2) -0.02 1.00 # HasRAF (3) 0.00 0.17** 1.00 # RAFBonusCash (4) 0.02* 0.30** 0.06** 1.00 # RAFBonusCount (5) 0.02* 0.30** 0.06** 1.00* 1.00 # RAFBonusYes (6) 0.02* 0.30** 0.06** 1.00* 1.00** 1.00 # * = sig. < 0.05; ** = sig. < 0.01 ######################################## # Plot RiskScore versus RAFBonusCount. # # Plot RiskScore versus # # round(RAFBonusCash/10,digits=0). # ######################################## plot(x=SoBeA$RAFBonusCount,y=SoBeA$RiskScore, xlab="Number of days receiving a Refer a Friend bonus", ylab="Player Risk Score", pch=19,col=MyColor); #title(main=paste0("Figure 5. Player Risk Score\n", # "by Number of Refer a Friend Bonus Rewards")) plot(x=round(SoBeA$RAFBonusCash/10,digits=0),y=SoBeA$RiskScore, xlab="Estimated number of successful referrals", ylab="Player Risk Score", pch=19,col=MyColor); #savePlot(filename=paste0(Folder,"H5-80pct",sep=""), # type="jpg"); ######################################## # We wanted the Spearman and Pearson # # correlations between player risk # # score and estimated number of # # referrals, but only when looking at # # the people we think had at least # # one referral. # ######################################## Scrap1 <- data.frame(RiskScore=SoBeA$RiskScore, Referrals=round(SoBeA$RAFBonusCash/10,digits=0)); Scrap2 <- subset(Scrap1,Scrap1$Referrals>0); nrow(Scrap2) cor(x=Scrap2$RiskScore,y=Scrap2$Referrals,method="pearson") # -0.001775578 corr.test(Scrap2,method="pearson") # Correlation matrix # RiskScore Referrals # RiskScore 1 0 # Referrals 0 1 # Sample Size # 285 # Probability values (Entries above the diagonal are adjusted # for multiple tests.) # RiskScore Referrals # RiskScore 0.00 0.98 # Referrals 0.98 0.00 cor(x=Scrap2$RiskScore,y=Scrap2$Referrals,method="spearman") # -0.03346069 corr.test(Scrap2,method="spearman") # Correlation matrix # RiskScore Referrals # RiskScore 1.00 -0.03 # Referrals -0.03 1.00 # Sample Size # 285 # Probability values (Entries above the diagonal are adjusted # for multiple tests.) # RiskScore Referrals # RiskScore 0.00 0.57 # Referrals 0.57 0.00 ############################################################ # Perform the hypothesis tests on the smaller subgroup. # ############################################################ # H1: Players referred to DraftKings by a friend # # (HasRAF) will have different risk scores # # (RiskScore) from those who weren't referred. # ################################################## H1B <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~HasRAF,data=SoBeB); H1B rFromWilcox(H1B,nSB) H1B$p.value ################################################## # H2: Players who have successfully referred a # # friend (RAFBonusYes) will have different # # risk behaviors from those (a) who have not # # not attempted to refer a friend or (b) # # attempted to refer a friend and failed. # ################################################## H2B <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~RAFBonusYes,data=SoBeB); H2B rFromWilcox(H2B,nSB) H2B$p.value ################################################## # H3: People who have a reciprocal friendship # # (HasMutualFriend) will have significantly # # different risk scores from others. # # Findings: Wilcoxon rank-sum test was conducted # # to compare risk scores among people # # with reciprocal friendship. # # * We fail to reject the null hypothesis. # # * People with reciprocal friendships on DFS # # websites engage in contests with higher risk # # propensity than others. # # However, when we combine H3A and H3B, # # we reject the null. # ################################################## H3B <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~HasMutualFriend,data=SoBeB); H3B rFromWilcox(H3B,nSB) H3BTable <- data.frame(Count=c(sum(SoBeB$HasMutualFriend==1), sum(SoBeB$HasMutualFriend==0)), Pct=0,Q000=0,Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0, W=0,pValue=c(H3B$p.value,0), rEffectSize=0); rownames(H3BTable) = c("HasMutualFriend","NoMutualFriend"); H3BTable$Pct = 100 * H3BTable$Count / nSB; H3BTable[1,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeB$RiskScore, SoBeB$HasMutualFriend==1), Every25N); H3BTable[2,Every25T] = quantile(subset(SoBeB$RiskScore, SoBeB$HasMutualFriend==0), Every25N); H3BTable$W[1] = H3B$statistic; H3BTable$rEffectSize[1] = qnorm(H3B$p.value[1]/2)/sqrt(nSB); ######################################## # Plot RiskScore versus # # HasMutualFriend. # ######################################## par(mar=c(5.1,9.1,4.1,2.1)) plot(x=SoBeB$RiskScore, y=SoBeB$HasMutualFriend+1+rnorm(nSB,mean=0,sd=DotSpread), xlab=RiskScoreLabel,yaxt="n",ylab="", col=c(MyColor,MyColor)[SoBeB$HasMutualFriend+1], pch=".",cex=3) MyBox(2,DotSpread,H3BTable[1,Every25T]) MyBox(1,DotSpread,H3BTable[2,Every25T]) axis(2,at=c(2,1),lab=c("Reciprocal\nFriendship", "No Reciprocal\nFriendship"), las=2,cex.axis=1.3) #title(main=paste0("Figure 3. Boxplot of Player Risk Score\n", # "by Reciprocal Friendship")) par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) #savePlot(filename=paste0(Folder,"H3-20pct",sep=""), # type="jpg"); ######################################## # Round the values in the table # # for display purposes. # ######################################## H3BTable$Pct = round(H3BTable$Pct,digits=2); H3BTable[,Every25T] = round(H3BTable[,Every25T],digits=2); H3BTable$pValue = round(H3BTable$pValue,digits=3); H3BTable$rEffectSize = round(H3BTable$rEffectSize,digits=3); H3BTable ######################################## # Do we reject based on p1*p2? No. # ######################################## H3A$p.value * H3B$p.value ################################################## # H4: Among players with reciprocal friendships, # # there will be statistically significant # # differences on risk scores between those # # who have successfully referred a friend # # (HasMutualFriend=1,RAFBonusYes=1) and # # those who have not (HasMutualFriend=1, # # RAFBonusYes=1). # ################################################## SoBe4B <- subset(SoBeB,SoBeB$HasMutualFriend>0); H4B <- wilcox.test(RiskScore~RAFBonusYes,data=SoBe4B); H4B rFromWilcox(H4B,nSB) H4B$p.value ################################################## # H5: Number of friend referrals, estimated by # # RAFBonusCount/10, is associated with risk # # score. # ################################################## # Check the Spearman correlations. # ######################################## H5BTable <- data.frame(Q000=c(0,0),Q025=0,Q050=0,Q075=0,Q100=0); H5BTable[1,1:5] = quantile(SoBeB$RAFBonusCount,Every25N); H5BTable[2,1:5] = quantile(SoBeB$RiskScore,Every25N); H5BTable <- round(H5BTable,digits=2); H5BTable H5B <- corr.test(SoBeB[,c("RiskScore","HasMutualFriend","HasRAF", "RAFBonusCash","RAFBonusCount", "RAFBonusYes")], method="spearman"); H5B H5B$r[4,1] H5B$p[4,1] ############################################################ # We are working from # # Bauer, P., & Köhne, K. (1994). # # Evaluation of Experiments with Adaptive Interim # # Analyses. # # Biometrics, 50(4), 1029–1041. # # * We are using an overall significance level of # # alpha = 0.05. # # * We stop and fail to reject if the first test run has a # # p-value above alpha1 = 0.10. # # * Since we are combining the two test runs, whether we # # reject the null might depend on whether or not the # # product of the two test runs' p-values (p1*p2) is less # # than or equal to # # c1 = exp(-0.5*qchisq(1-alpha,df=4)) = 0.008704941. # # * Since we have an "immediately fail to reject" value # # alpha0, we need an "immediately reject" threshold # # below which we will reject the null without doing the # # second test. # # -- This value is alpha1 = 0.0425647. # ############################################################ # Lock in the initial constants. # ################################################## alpha = 0.05; alpha0 <- 0.10; c1 <- exp(-0.5*qchisq(1-alpha,df=4)); c1 ################################################## # Calculate alpha1 using Equation 3 # # in the paper. # ################################################## Digits <- 6; Test1 <- data.frame(alpha1=alpha0*(1:10^Digits)/10^Digits, area=0); Test1$area = Test1$alpha1 + c1*(log(alpha0)-log(Test1$alpha1)); Test1 <- subset(Test1,c1alpha1); Scrap3 <- subset(Scrap3,Scrap3$p1= Scrap4), list(Scrap2=sprintf("%.3f",alpha1), Scrap3=sprintf("%.3f",alpha0), Scrap4=sprintf("%.4f",c1) ) ) ); text(col=Colors[3],x=xCrit,y=yCrit[4],pos=4, lab=substitute(paste("retain the null if ",Scrap2 <= p[1], " < ",Scrap3), list(Scrap2=sprintf("%.3f",alpha0), Scrap3=sprintf("%.3f",1) ) ) ); #Height <- 1; while (Height > 0) { # lines(col=Colors[1],x=c(0,alpha1),y=c(Height,Height)); # Height = Height - Drop; #} #Height <- c1/alpha1; while (Height > c1/alpha0) { # lines(col=Colors[3],x=c(alpha1,c1/Height),y=c(Height,Height)); # Height <- Height - Drop; #} #while (Height > 0) { # lines(col=Colors[3],x=c(alpha1,alpha0),y=c(Height,Height)); # Height <- Height - Drop; #} ######################################## # Make random ordered pairs (p1,p2). # # Color the locations based # # on where they land. # ######################################## #p1 <- runif(Points); p2 <- runif(Points); #Zone <- rep(Colors[4],Points); # Zone[p1*p2